Heal My Colitis


In 1975 I developed colitis. After many visits to doctors, hospital stays, and countless tests I was told to “learn to live with it.” I did that for 9 years. Beginning in 1984 I learned why my digestive system was “on fire,” leading to constant pain and diarrhea; why I was sick at least 12 hours each day. I began to understand why no doctor could cure my illness. I found the methods to calm the flow of acid in my digestive system. I learned to do this by:
  1. Adjusting my diet so that I could regain my balance
  2. Meditating to balance the flow of my body’s energy and
  3. Opening the way to the underlying causes of my body’s imbalances through understanding the proper use of prayer.
Over the years I have met so many people who have suffered similarly. I’ve tried to explain in “short hand” how I found relief but it seemed to be too much to take in without notes, so I’ve put together my discoveries in book form to be printed. Please peruse the information below to see if my experiences resonate with you. Initially, I intended to seek a publisher but since I am not a professional writer, the time and connections to do so proved too much. So, I’m posting my thoughts online. The 15 book sections are linked below for easy access. If desired, the entire work may be printed using the link below the chapters.

Please feel free to read or print the material. If you know of anyone with a gastrointestinal disorder, please refer them to the thoughts herein. They will be interested.

Finally, if the material is helpful or it is printed for the use of another person, I would greatly appreciate a contribution to this site as a purchase price. If you see no benefit, contribute nothing. If it is of benefit I ask that you consider the material to be a book which might be purchased online and make a contribution as such.

It is my most sincere wish that these words are of benefit and that they lead you to relief and self-healing. May God bless you in your healing.


The Book


Please feel free to click on each chapter tab below to view each chapter individually. If you are having trouble viewing PDF documents, please download or update Adobe Acrobat.

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