“…there should be daily periods of meditation or reflection wherein the purposes and goals of self are examined and focused upon to evolve a state of idealic goal which can be the Light that guides…”
I have found meditation to be a very personal experience. I once attended a class on meditation in which the leader instructed us to count back from 30, rest our palms on our lap and visualize a place of comfort. I was okay with this but being the hard head that I am, I asked, “Why?” The instructor was less than thrilled with my persistent questions. “Why back from 30? Why not 22 or 37 or 2? Why hold my palms up? What are we really seeking to accomplish here?”I’ve been meditating for decades now, and I’ve heard or read so many different explanations and answers to questions surrounding meditation that I’ve lost count. I certainly do not write this to demean a specific meditative technique. It’s just that I’ve heard so many people say that they have trouble meditating that my tone is intended to “demystify” the process for those who are new to the process. At first, I wondered if I could meditate. Then I wondered if I was meditating correctly. Then I wondered if I was “good enough.” Please don’t waste your energy on such doubts. Just begin the process and it will happen on its own. You’ll realize that you’ve always meditated. You just did not recognize your actions as such.
This book is not a book on meditation. There are many, many books, tapes, and instructional videos on the market that fill that purpose quite wonderfully. So please understand that what I present here is in no way meant to take their place. I have achieved growth from all of these sources. But I have ultimately taken one very important understanding from my search that I wish I had known from the start. I wish that I had known that there is no one set of correct techniques for meditation. Meditation is a process, not a restrictive system of steps.
Still, there is only one goal to be ultimately achieved: Oneness with God.
Can you achieve this? Of course you can. You do so many times each day. The problem with us “stomach problem folks” is that we tend to fail to recognize God’s gifts to us. Moreover, we often view those gifts as manifesting in ways that are less than joyful. We need to understand the nature of the gifts.
Meditation allows us to recognize God’s manifestations, achieve oneness with God, heal ourselves and heal others. What more can we ask? Is it any wonder that many students of meditation report experiences which others seem unable to replicate? That’s because we are all unique and thus our gifts and experiences will be unique as well. When I was first told to meditate, I believed that I would be embarking upon a mysterious path. Even today, many years later, only two or three family members and as many close personal friends, have any interest in meditation or my works therein. Most people who see me coach basketball or saw me in my role in business cannot rationalize how I could be involved in such seemingly contradictory passions. But that is the point. Meditative principles are found in all activities. Focused concentration, a relaxed and disciplined approach to seeking answers, “listening” for guidance, dedication to a process, and the wonder of achievement apply to all processes, whether that search is for a new car, a new way of life, or God. So, whether you’ve contemplated your naval for the last 30 years or just finished a day at the office, the results can be equally fulfilling. That’s the beauty and wonder of meditation and you. You can do this. You already do this. You just need to recognize that you do, embrace this fact and invest the time and dedication to use meditation to bring about healing.
The unfortunate truth is that if you are experiencing stomach distress, it is because you are currently “meditating in reverse.” You are blocking your oneness with God rather than experiencing that oneness by being co-creative in all things.
As I sought to learn to make meditation a part of my awareness and resultantly heal myself, I learned that I could raise the energy of my body both to a higher level of frequency and to higher points of physical intersect. Simply put, I learned to affect the flow of the energy from my head to my toe, increasing or decreasing the intensity.
I learned that there are seven main energy ports, roughly corresponding to organs, and that disease is always related to the improper flow of energy to or from those related receptive centers and circuits. These chakras, as they are known to students of metaphysics, are very tangible and are extremely sensitive to our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions.
We cannot block our bodies’ energy, God’s energy, and not experience some form of distress. That distress, if not relieved, will eventually manifest in a way that we must pay attention. I must eventually acknowledge an upset stomach, whether I tend to mild discomfort or eventually experience bleeding and the like. Why does the medical profession not know why you have colitis or Chrohns disease or colon cancer? Because for the most part, they do acknowledge the role that these energy centers play in health and the lack of same.
In the quarter century plus that I have studied myself and others with physical illness, each person whom I have encountered with a physical illness or discomfort has had an energy blockage that was directly related. How sad that I had to suffer for so many years. How awful that I was sick for 12 hours each day, trying one medication after another to mask and control the symptoms. How sad that I was told, “You’ll have to learn to live with it.” Why? How had this happened? Why was I well at 1:05 PM yet unable to steer my car out of traffic at 1:06 PM and no one seemed to know how my body had betrayed me?
No one knew because my body did not betray me. I betrayed my body. Many in the medical profession still assume under the Newtonian approach that our bodies are machines whose parts wear out or malfunction. This could not be further from the truth. They assume that illness is an attack of invading microbes or toxins. Thus they seek to identify, reshape or remove the offending part.
My problem was that there were no invaders and luckily for me they found nothing to cut out. Still, I believe that if I had continued to block the energy paths of my body, the symptoms of disease, the pain, bleeding, fatigue and the associated progressive dysfunction would have continued until Chrohns or even cancer would have appeared.
We are not victims of disease. Any disease is a symptom in itself of a greater pattern of dis-ease. The disease is a blockage at either a spiritual, mental or emotional level which results in a physical expression of that blockage. Thus meditation. Thus the removal of the blockage by reordering the non-physical pattern which leads to the blockage.
By becoming fully at one with our spiritual self, we begin to understand our purpose in life and how we may be to the left or right of our spiritual intention. A person cannot swim upstream without encountering resistance. To swim against the current of our spiritual purpose and design is to swim against the tide of our own energy. Just as a swimmer will eventually tire and falter, our physical body will, over time, manifest the symptoms of spiritual fatigue as well. If those symptoms (stomach burning, reflux, inflammation, spasm or pain) don’t get our attention, what will? If you have these symptoms either regularly or irregularly, your body barometer is alerting you to an energy flow dysfunction.
Meditation aligns your energy centers and reconnects you with the Spiritual self that you constantly seek to mask so that you can meet the expectations of a non-spiritual world.
Should we quit our 8 to 16 hours a day job, and live in serenity in the forest? That is one path and a most honorable path at that, but it is not the only path. Few of us in the West will do so. The wonderful, joyful fact remains that we do not have to run from our works, homes and stresses to seek peace and good health. In fact, we may even do ourselves a spiritual disservice in doing so.
The job doesn’t strain my heart. My reaction to the job, the fear of failure, my doubts and feelings of unworthiness cause energy blockages to a specific chakra or system. These blockages result in dysfunction. Whether it is heart, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreatic or glandular in nature, the source is the same. Meditation opens these centers to the proper flow of healing energy and voila! The symptoms dissipate and eventually disappear.
Be careful however. These daily stresses and overwhelming concerns may become less important, even too insignificant to continue with as you fully connect with your spiritual self. Your job or obligations may not be able to send you into a tizzy again. Wouldn’t that be awful? Well, possibly for the associates who find comfort in your discomfort. That is not an idle comment. When you embark upon daily meditation you will change. You will not be frightened, reactive and that frantic type “A” or unsure type “B” that so many others around you have grown to know. You will change.
Often we build quite a castle upon the sand of our emotion. Curiously, as you find balance in all things, some things will seem less important. But that’s the nature of balance. Monitor this. Do the following. To best judge the change over time, record your feelings, impulses and reactions for later review. You’ll be surprised how seemingly simple steps are later recognized as milestones. Often personal growth and transformation goes unnoticed as it quietly manifests. We must train ourselves to recognize growth. It is ever-present and always apparent, when we learn to truly “see.” Will you and others accept your new calm, your new health, your new worthiness?
So with that Western disclaimer out of the way, how does a person meditate? The basic principles which I always follow are:
1. Become aware of your spiritual ideal.
Why are you meditating? What is the intent of this work? For me very early on I decided that if I was to connect more directly with my spiritual nature, I would seek to be more Christ-like in my intent and purpose. To others this may mean the embodiment of Moses, Krishna or the Buddha. I resonate with the teachings of Jesus. Whatever your faith, follow the resonance of the Spirit of that faith and feel a resonation within. This will guide you and bring balance to your efforts.2. Be as consistent as possible in the time and place of our regular meditations.
As you return again and again to that time and place of familiar comfort, you will be able to relax more easily and eliminate needless distractions.3. Create a symbolic and literal environment which is conducive to your attunement.
In a symbolic sense, a candle’s flame in a room of soft light not only inspires me in the majesty of it’s simplicity, but it also represents all of those who have gone before me in this singular pursuit of oneness with God. A candle’s light creates a subtle shift in my awareness. I am no longer at work under fluorescent lights. I am no longer under the spotlight of a normal day’s activities. Symbolically I am in a simpler time and space, able to cast off the responsibilities which seem to pull me from the gentle guidance of my spirit.I prefer quiet music as well. There are many beautiful meditative selections on the market. I find some more to my liking than others. I believe there are several reasons for this, ranging from the composers intent to the tonal quality and its relationship to brain wave activity. My best advice here is that if you are moved by the music, use it. If not, don’t. An interesting point however, at least in my case, is that I have found that certain selections resonate with me for a time and then it seems that they no longer fit. I believe that as I evolve in my meditative practice, my sources of musical inspiration evolve as well. The bottom line is that a pursuit as simplistic as finding the correct music is very instructive as to where we are in our attunement at any given point. Play with this. I guarantee that you will be fascinated with your findings. Why does this inspire me? Why not that music? Why does this CD that I enjoyed several months ago no longer inspire me? Try to approach this with fascination and a sense of wonder. You will discover so much about your development.
Finally, I always have water present. Whether this is a simple glass of water or a fountain, it is representative to me of God’s spirit and the promise of my oneness with all that exists. Choose an environment that symbolically and literally brings joy.
4. Make sure that you wear comfortable clothing and that you are in a comfortable position.
I am always amazed how a watch, ring or restrictive piece of clothing that I had previously failed to notice can become such a distraction in meditation. Some books demand that your feet be firmly on the floor and that you sit straight and upright. I find that this varies and that I have more wonderful meditations when I recline. As you work with this you will find the position that is best for you. My rule is, to each their own. The discovery of the individuality of your search is wonderfully instructive. Have great fun noticing what works best for you and the effects of subtle variations that you apply to each meditative experience.5. I always begin my meditations with a prayer.
Regarding meditative intent, the reasons are very straightforward here. I thank God for the opportunity to be in joyous Oneness and I ask for the highest and best guidance and healing at that time. I feel myself surrounded in God’s loving embrace and I connect more fully through the words and intent of my prayer. Many who meditate involve the Lord’s Prayer at this stage. Listen to your guidance and follow that voice within. Find out what is best for you and do that.6. Many who meditate begin with affirmations at this point.
Thru the years I have not found great comfort in this. I know others however who find great growth using affirmations. Again follow your guidance.7. Let your experiences teach you.
I know of many who see their guidance in symbolic or literal representations. Others hear. As I stated earlier, I seem to feel and know. I sense guidance and translate that guidance into words that bring clarity and direction. As the nature of the guidance becomes clear, I am able to resonate with it and make it my own. This is not mystical. It is merely a resonation with my higher self. My higher self gives me guidance through feelings and a knowingness that provides direction.When I follow that path of oneness with my spirit I am one with God, and my physical body is one with God as well. How can I not heal? How can I not be in balance? How can any system out of balance not return to its righteous place of existence at one with our Father, Mother God; at this moment of our resonation in meditation with the totality of our being?
As you meditate, you will be guided along a path of consciousness which will open itself to you step by step, awakening upon awakening, confirmation upon confirmation. But the most telling and humbling awakening will be that you will heal naturally, without effort. You do not have to heal your body. While in meditation, your body will heal naturally because you have placed yourself in a state of perfect health, as you raise your own energetic vibration through meditation. Actually, you do not raise the vibrational frequency of your body; you remove the barriers which have lowered you to a state of disease and imbalance. Remove the barriers of fear, doubt and separateness, even for a few moments, and you will experience healing which is totally disproportionate to the time in meditation. I’ve found that 25 minutes in meditation immediately brings me greater balance for the next 24 hours. As I began to regularly meditate, I stayed more in balance and more healthful. If I missed a day of meditation, I didn’t slip as far back into the pattern of disease and could quickly regain my previous balance by simply resuming my meditative schedule. The most telling fact of all, however, is that whether you believe that you are being guided to healing or not... you are ...and you are being healed through these regular periods of unobstructed oneness with God. You will find if you will seek. Meditation is self-healing. It is the removal of all barriers and blockages to your perfect health and to the degree that you let go of patterns and habits which produce the blockages, you will be healed.
Do not make this less or more than it is. It is a creative experience. Some books are written for beginners and others are not. As you start to meditate begin with patience and the confidence that your experiences are worthy of your dedicated pursuit. They are. Do not be dissuaded by a comparative voice which whispers that “he or she does this better than me.” No two people meditate the same and no two meditations are the same. You are the best meditator in your world. Meditate. Believe. Be healed. Be at One with God.