“There is the ability within you to generate a considerable quantity of what we shall call quite simply, energy... for the energy involved here is interrupted by the presence of the thought pattern called emotion.”
At first, with very little experience in understanding the flow of the energy of my body, I clung to the healing promise of a regimen closely aligned to the regulation of my foods, supplemented by my ever increasing use of prayer and meditation. As time went on I realized that I was truly beginning to regulate the flow of my body’s energy. There are those who would try to convince you that this is mystical in nature. It is not. It is our heritage. We must not look outside of ourselves for final answers. We must understand that we can and do shape our bodies to be that which we wish.It is clearly recognized that we may engage in the strengthening of our physical body through exercise and the like. What many fail to do however, is take control of their energetic bodies. In my case, I had allowed fear to become a reactive catalyst leading to an unbalanced energy flow. The level of my indecision, doubt and fear dictated the result. I first had to recognize that I was bringing about the blockage of the naturally free flowing energy that is my body. Then through the daily examination of my reaction to various stimuli, I was able to recognize and balance with my doubts and fears to restore the natural flow of God’s energy along my body’s energetic pathways.
Through the years my exploration of body energy has led me to countless sources which in one way or another said the same thing. The central theme was always “the Kingdom is within.” I have tried throughout this work to cite my experiences rather than present documented research. I have done so in the knowledge that much of what I am saying falls outside of the realm of “everyday belief.” I have thus made these words my story rather than my research. Still, several wonderfully documented texts have confirmed my personal understanding. While I briefly cite several here, I additionally suggest that you might use these works as a starting point of confirmation and inspiration during your continued exploration of body energy in general, and the specifics of your own energy patterns as well.
Among the many readily available “easy reads” on energy, three authors and their works particularly helped expand my understanding.
A wonderful instructional source is Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine. Donna Eden is a master teacher and her works are extremely user friendly.
In Richard Gerber’s Vibrational Medicine, (page 173) he writes:
“We know through modern quantum physics that the physical body is actually a unique aggregation of physical particles of matter which, themselves, are points of frozen light. Interfaced with this physical body of light are additional light bodies composed of subtle energetic matter of higher frequency levels than that which the physical eye can perceive.”
In Energy Psychology, author Fred Gallo recounts Dr. John Diamond’s 1985 writing in stating:“After an imbalance in life energy occurs, which can be caused by any number of physical and/or psychological factors, in time disease will ensue. ....However, the imbalance can be corrected in a number of ways, including a shift in mental attitude…”
These works are only three of the many compilations available. They are possibly the only resources needed. Let your own guidance be the judge of that.Beyond those studies and predating each for me was certainly the most profound source of healing information that I have studied. Contained in the works of Al Miner and Lama Sing, as I stated earlier, is information that is life-changing and in my case, life-saving. Those works explained and tied it all together for me.
In my case, I was never one to accept at face value that a shift in attitude was the answer to anything. I had to develop an understanding of the mechanics of such a shift and why healing would result. My search always brought me back to the beginning. I had to remember that “the Kingdom is within.” It was always the same. Eventually this quest for understanding became one of confirmation. Over time, every word, every sentence, every paragraph was an echo.
From book to book, tape to tape, video to video, lecture to lecture, and meditation to meditation, I discovered the following about myself.
It is not revelation to physicists but it was an awakening to me that our entire being is energy in one form or another. Our bodies are pure energy vibrating at a level that allows us to experience form.
Interestingly, more than anything else, our cellular structure is proportionately overwhelmingly space. The atoms of our bodies are not compact packages of protons and electrons. They are actually the interaction of these particles within a vast cellular space. This space is so vast that scientists find it difficult to agree upon the nature of what is sometimes called the Zero Point Field. To me this “field” is the God space or space of creative consciousness that is within us and also connects us.
What I discovered was that I can truly change the nature of my cellular vibration through my intent. By focusing my consciousness, I can energetically alter the flow of my being. The metaphysical phrase that I stated earlier, “Spirit is the pattern, Mind is the builder, Emotion is the substance and the Physical is the result,” again comes into clear focus here. When I mentally increase, or conversely decrease, the flow of energy to a cell in my body, I alter that cell. I alter the building blocks of that cell and I also impact its God space.
A positive or negative emotion does that. My intent or undirected emotion is actually the conscious or unconscious manipulation of the molecular construction and God space in the cellular structure of my body. When I am open and free- flowing, my cellular pattern is open and energetically free flowing. When I doubt or I am fearful, and thus restrictive in my creative thought, the universe of my cellular life mirrors that occluded pattern.
If I maintain a lowered state of energetic flow, a cellular alteration must occur. This may be merely discomfort or it may be worse over time, if I refuse to recognize the restrictive nature of my energetic flow. This may be the result of my reaction to a specific event, such as the loss of a loved one, or from a barely recognized long-term pattern, such as the stress of a job. Often, there is a worthiness issue involved as well.
All of the universe is energy. If we embrace this energy and flow with it by allowing our own receptive nature to resonate with all of existence, which is our natural state, then peace and health will manifest, beginning at a cellular level. As we do less than this, we are the product of what we will allow.
So, moving from a subatomic level through cellular structures to organs and finally to our bodies, we are fields of energy. We often believe that our lives are more or less random and that our illnesses are the result of our falling prey to one or more of the diseases floating around out there, ready to strike the unlucky. Until my “big bang,” I never really gave it much thought. Others got sick. I went on with my life. Then I somehow joined the ranks of the ill. As I searched for answers no one mentioned energy to me. My doctors mentioned syndromes, disease, organs, acids, allergies, foods, alcohol and on and on. Not one clinician told me to explore my body’s energy system. But the answer lay there.
Following my reading from Al Miner, I embarked upon a search of materials related to body energy. I studied acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, Eastern healing methods, Rolfing, name it… anything that dealt with energy and healing. There are many, many scientific and not so scientific studies to be found. Numerous testimonials attest to the value of each method and technique.
The following is what I grew to understand about myself and what I needed to do to balance my own energies.
There are seven major centers of energy in our bodies. These main chakras are located along a pathway from our pelvic area up to the top of our heads. The lowest, the root chakra is located in the area of the coccyx. The second is the sacral chakra, located just below the naval. The third is the solar plexus chakra located below the sternum. The fourth is the heart chakra located over the heart. The fifth is the throat chakra, over the thyroid gland. The sixth, the third eye or brain chakra is above the nose, between the eyebrows and slightly above. The seventh or crown chakra is on the top of the head. These are the major points of spiritual energy for the body. Some say that the different major and minor chakras of the body total 360 in number. A very extensive study may be done regarding the associated organs, endocrine, nerve and physiological systems of the body as relates to the chakras. You should do this at some point, but this work is an overview so I will proceed as I was introduced to this information in the broadest sense. In truth, I did not need to understand these systems to heal myself. I merely had to “move myself out of the way” so that the energy of my body could flow freely.
Many believe, and I have truly found that blockages at any of these energy centers will result in disease. In my case, the third center, the emotional center of my body was being disrupted by doubt and fear. Please keep in mind that I was not a cowering shell of a man, fearing that the sky was falling. It was more that I was uncertain…uncertain of my worthiness. Was I good enough for my job, my relationships, for God? No one knew of my insecurities. Heck, I had never categorized them as such. It was similar to an unpaid bill. I didn’t talk about it or even concentrate upon it, but it was always there, silently and methodically blocking at levels of my being that I didn’t consciously recognize. I have since met others with heart disease, who appear to be blocked in their heart chakra. Often those who are in conflict regarding their expression, manifest breathing difficulty as they are blocked at the throat chakra. Individual chakras seem to react according to their level of blockage.
Each chakra is a spiritual center of life and expression. Energy flows through these ports. When you shift your consciousness, you can see them. You can feel them. You can touch them. Ultimately, you can keep them open and free- flowing for a life expression of vitality and physical grace, embracing the free flowing nature of God’s energy as it pulses through your body. This system of seven major centers must be given a free pathway to flow.
Further, our bodies have additional circuits of energy known as meridians. There are twelve major meridians. They are generally associated with various organs in the body and may strengthen or weaken each system, depending upon their flow. The twelve major meridians are the liver, lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, triple warmer, gall bladder and governing. For those who are sensitive, these energy circuits feel like electrical circuits, about 1/8 of an inch in diameter and pulsing with the flow of life. You are sensitive enough to feel them. Everyone is. Everyone also increases or decreases the flow of these meridians. Our level of health is the product of this.
Finally, within our bodies are capillary-like energy circuits which distribute energy throughout. Known as nadis, these circuits number in the tens of thousands according to various texts.
So, to bring this into focus, I will describe my body. Please apply these basics to your own body as appropriate.
I am very sensitive and open to the flow of energy. When I, through doubt and fear, restricted the flow of this energy, it occurred primarily at the level of the third chakra. Having blocked the upward free-flowing nature of my energy, I would send it downward. This affected the flow of energy primarily along my stomach, liver, spleen, large intestine and small intestine meridians. The energy would seek a path of flow which would literally reach flood stage. I was energetically burning myself up. I was on “fire.” Secretions would result so that bile and the like would flood my gastrointestinal track. Pain, spasm, diarrhea and all of the related unpleasantries would ensue and it would be a long day. Every day became a long day.
But through dedicated prayer and meditation I was able to turn this around. Through these natural modalities I learned to refocus my errant energies. I learned to embrace my energetic potential rather than be governed by physical reactions to the misapplication of my body’s energy. It could be said that I healed myself. But more accurately, once again, I didn’t actually heal myself; I removed the energetic obstructions which led to a system in distress, a system of misdirected energy flow. And I continue to do this, day by day.
When I was a child there were many small paths in the areas of play leading from our home. We did not pay much attention to their existence. We merely found joy there. These paths were our world. As we grew older the streets throughout our neighborhood became our paths of choice. Finally, those streets led us to the interstate. At first, our interstate had few travel lanes and its structure was sufficient for the traffic flow. Occasionally there would be an obstruction, but as the interstate had parallel roads which could handle the traffic volume for short periods, all was well.
But over time things changed. The focus of those using our interstate became more directed and intense. Instead of remaining merely a corridor of passage, the interstate became a conduit of intent relating to such as careers, protection, family, and commerce. Over time, the previously sleepy passageway became stressed and widened to meet the energy of more and more travelers. And just as the road itself sometimes suffered, as it sought to handle the ever-increasing passage of the travelers, the destinations of the travelers were challenged as well. Once calm beaches became crowded. Some destinations kept their name but their function failed. Others gave up their healing essence. Cities struggled to cope, sometimes losing their way as they were asked to handle intent which was at odds with the city’s nature.
Usually, adaptations were accepted and the peace of the earlier time was forgotten. The shortcomings of the new environment were seen as “just the way things are.” Those altered threads of connectivity began to be accepted. But the expansion was not without its effects. The pathways were forever changed.
So it is with our physical bodies.
The energy pathways of our bodies must be given a free flow. Our intent / energy may travel along a sleepy, balanced energy pathway for a time. But it is often demanded that the pathway expand to handle more energy. A passageway to our liver may become opened as a superhighway and this destination of our intent / energy may be stressed beyond tolerance. Then what? How can we bring this back into balance?
My experience has been that once an energy superhighway is opened, as long as the intent remains, it is well-traveled. Often at random times, occasionally non-stop, but energy continues to flow along open pathways. It took much time and self-reflection to realize that this was possible within my body. Then it took much introspection and seeking to understand the methodology of balancing my energetic superhighway. I did this through prayer and meditation. Then each moment became a moment of connection. I gained insight into my energy of intent, my energy of fear, my energy of emotion and ultimately the balance of my Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies. I examined them as separate aspects of myself, to gain clarity and definition. Then, again through the use of prayer and meditation, I allowed my awareness of these aspects to function as one, in balance and harmony. They were no longer separate parts of me. They were me.
I no longer calm my liver. I calm me. I bring all aspects of myself into balance and my energetic superhighways become balanced pathways of life. But even more than that, because I began to see the meaning behind my illness, my once stressed superhighways have become an opportunity to know, understand, and love deeper aspects of myself than I would have fathomed without this journey.
May your path to understanding be filled with joyful discoveries and understanding as well.