Letter to Lindsey
Dear Lindsey,
I’m very sorry to hear that you are having so much stomach distress. I’ve been there and no one should have to live that way. There are several things that you can do to help yourself. First of all make sure that you are examined by a gastrointestinal specialist to be sure of the nature of your distress. Then follow his or her recommendations to see if you can be healed. If you do not find total relief, please consider the following. It might help. It certainly helped me.
All of matter is energy. Your body is only energy vibrating at varying frequencies. This energy must be allowed to flow freely. Energy flows much like water. If its intended path is obstructed, it will either create a new path or it will build up until there is eventually an explosion and flood. I believe that you are blocking the flow of energy in your body and that is resulting in your sickness. The reason that your doctors have not been able to tell you exactly what is causing your problem is that they don’t measure energy flow, and so they are unable to consider this as a possibility. Most of them will think that this explanation is hogwash. Their stomachs must not be hurting.
How are you blocking this energy flow? Well, strange as it may seem, you do it with your emotion. See, emotion is not just some random inconvenience with no consequence. Emotion is real. It is tangible. It is energy that we either properly or improperly direct. Remember when that first “love of your life” left? Remember how your stomach felt? Well, you were trying to deal with reactions such as sadness, betrayal , fear, anger, and the like as you tried to decide whether to cry , hurt him, or just get another boyfriend. And remember how you tried to act like nothing had happened… like you never really gave your heart to him in the first place! Well as you went through all of the possibilities, you tended to hold your flood of emotion inside. Usually folks send this emotion to their stomach area, and that’s what you did. As you recovered from this first love trauma, over time, you released the emotion and your stomach stopped hurting. After you “got over” him, you even felt great, didn’t you?
Imagine what would happen if you blocked your energy flow with your emotion every day. Sorta like breaking up with your boyfriend every day. (I hope that while you are reading these words, your stomach isn’t hurting while you revisit that event and those emotions.... See how that works?)
I believe that your continuing gastrointestinal problems come from some emotional pattern that you revisit day after day. In my case, I always compared myself to others and decided that I wasn’t quite good enough. This caused doubt and fear, which caused a blockage. Funny thing.... until I really cared about what others thought of me, I didn’t have any trouble. As I started trying to be what I thought would be best and began to doubt my worthiness, I started to get into trouble. I hope you’re not doing that.
All you have to do is stop blocking the flow of your body’s energy. That’s the adventure ahead. Identify what it is that caused you to shut down. What caused you to tense up at an emotional level? What caused you to block at an energetic level? For me, as it can be for so many people, it was a deep-seated fear of worthiness. Once I figured this out, I was able to look at all of the events of my life and understand what triggered the constant blocking of my energy. I began to meditate and learn from the process of meditation. I made sure that I dissipated the blockages and as I did this, I improved. Pretty simple actually, but it did require a lot of dedication on my part to change the patterns of my life that facilitated my emotion. I didn’t avoid those patterns, I balanced with them. I learned from them. It actually was fun. And I discovered a great deal about myself. You will too.